As the final day of 2019 draws to a close, I’ve been reviewing my year and planning for the next one. In many ways, I feel that looking back over the past twelve months is more valuable than looking ahead.
Yesterday I spent an hour or so reading back through my journal and writing timesheets, and jotting down the events and activities that I felt were key during the year. I included both writing and other activities as it’s important to have a balance of work, health and leisure in my life.
So alongside completing the first draft of Rogue 2, writing a short story and publishing some blog posts, I also have a couple of yoga workshops, a weekend in Spain with my techie buddies, and a hill walk with my wife’s cousins who visited from America.
If you’d asked me a few days ago, how my writing year went, I’d instinctively have said it was ‘OK’, that I didn’t finish the book I’m working on (Rogue 2). That was my goal. However, looking back over my list, I actually achieved quite a lot, and all while having a day job.
I often complain that there isn’t enough time for all the things I need and want to do. My review of this year also shows me where my time goes, how I spend it. And those last few words are key – time doesn’t just go; I spend it. Which means I make choices on how it’s allocated.
Looking at my writing timesheet, I noticed some gaps, chunks of days where no writing was done. Unfortunately, I didn’t make an entry as to why. There may well have been good reasons, or maybe I was just in one of those stuck zones with a particular scene.
My conclusions are that I need to set my primary goals and spend most of my time on those. Many tempting opportunities will present themselves, and they will have to share whatever time is left. Otherwise, I will finish 2020 feeling as I do now – happy with all I have done during this year, but within that, disappointed that I didn’t complete my book.
I also intend to make more frequent journal and timesheet entries. These are invaluable in judging progress and getting value from the time I spend, just like getting value from spending money.
I hope you had a great writing year and mixed in some leisure and self-care. And I wish you a healthy, productive and peaceful 2020.
Happy writing,
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Mary Shanahan says
Hello Harry
I would like to introduce myself my name is Mary .
While in Easons today and browsing in the books section I got speaking to your wife and had a lovely little chat . I recommended some books that I have read over the past few weeks and she informed me that you have written and published your first book and in process of writing your second .
I will aim to get your book on line and I would like to wish you every success in your writing .
Mary Shanahan
Harry says
Hi Mary,
It’s lovely to hear from you. I write in my spare time, it’s a great way to spend a few hours. I hope you enjoy reading Hard Choices as much as I enjoyed writing it.
I am hoping to publish my next book by the end of this year or early in 2022. It’s features a character called Rogue, who also appears in Hard Choices, and will be a full length novel.
Kind regards,